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Life After Lavish

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

"Pack your bags and put gas in the car!!  Get ready for a wonderful road trip to Portland, OR!”

"Pack your bags and put gas in the car!!  Get ready for a wonderful road trip to Portland, OR!”

Those words came across my iPhone screen in an email that brought all kinds of emotions. I was overcome with both disbelief and belief, excitement, and tears of joy.  I couldn’t believe that this was really happening!

You see I'd been praying for a while that I would be able to attend Lavish: a women’s conference in Portland Oregon. And when it seemed that it might be possible - our family went through a difficult situation in November that completely drained our finances.

However, through a series of faith steps, Kassandra and I received that much anticipated email. It stated that a sweet lady by the name of Paula, had donated her two spots which included entrance tickets, hotel and meals. We were blown away. And let me just say that sacrificial seed that Paula sowed into our lives - would soon grow tiny buds.

Upon arrival, we were given white slippers and escorted into a room that had over 200 white chairs that sat on fluffy white rugs.  It was breathtaking. It felt like we were all sitting on our own tiny pieces of clouds around the stage.

Soon after that some of most incredible, impactful and tangible ministry started to take place as speakers from all over the U.S. made their way to the stage and began sharing with us how to hear from God in deeper, more profound and intimate ways. We were participants and not just spectators. And it was phenomenal!

This level of ministry is truly unique - one of a kind. It leaves an imprint on hearts, heals wounds and fills deep needs as well as gaps in understanding and discernment.

Allow me to share a few takeaways from that weekend.


The definition of identity is who you are, the way you think about yourself, the way you are viewed by the world and the characteristics that define you.

When you think about yourself, do you live from a center of truth of who you are or do you live projecting a false identity? Do you see God as your Heavenly Father?

I thought I knew God as a good Father, but as I started attending some of the sessions, I quickly realized that wasn’t the case. So as I sat in this room filled with women, I closed my eyes, I began to let my guard down.

As I removed every mental distraction, I had a vision of me sitting on the right side of the Father. He was holding my left hand while my right hand was holding a royal scepter. And I saw myself standing up and simply striking the floor with my scepter and felt and heard a loud thunder like noise. And just like that I felt that the atmosphere had changed and where it seemed like the enemy was present, was all of the sudden gone and I felt I had authority over him. At that point I realized for the first time that I am not only loved but that He wanted to show me that I have really do have authority over the enemy.

Another way of saying it is, I believe the Lord was telling me, “Esmy sit on my right side and let me show you that you have authority because you’re my daughter.  You don’t have to perform for my approval. Just sit here and let me show you how much I love you."

What a revelation!!!!!


Have you ever been so angry with someone and thought you had really forgiven them, but the minute you see them it produced a reaction? And you know its really bad when just hearing that’s persons name is like squirting gas on a small flame inside you, which then creates a raging fire.  That was me!!

I too, have someone in my life that has created a continual, persistent hurt and irritant in my life. But during a service the Lord removed all the anger, and bitterness that I was feeling.  I learned to actively release that to Him.  I was tired of it robbing my time and energy.  So I did what the speaker asked us to do, which was to visualize, pray for and forgive that person that had wronged us.

At first there was a part of me that wanted to hold on to the un-forgiveness because I felt that what was done to me was not my fault. I felt like I needed to punish them with my attitude and un-forgiveness, but we all know that’s not how it works.  So I surrendered it all to God.  And in return God placed grace, forgiveness and the ability to speak to this person with respect.

No longer does it matter what they do, my hearts’ posture is to walk in forgiveness and freedom.

Life in Dallas

There was so much more that happened during that weekend. I don’t think, pray or love the same.  My family, and close friends have seen a huge difference in me.

I came home and began to share some of what I learned from the conference and it has made a huge difference in my family.

I experienced true freedom, received a new perspective and made new life long friendships.

My life is forever changed.

If you would like more information about Her Voice you can go to their website

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