A selection of our favorite resources to help you flourish at work.
Working in times like these, it is hard to maintain one's clarity and focus. Our entire workforce has been in upheaval and people are having to reinvent themselves in their careers, so we have carefully chosen a select set of resources from 5 of the more common content platforms to help you flourish at work:
• Book
• Music
• Video
• Podcast
• The Written Word
We hope you find them personally and practically helpful as you seek to honor God in your work and a life that is FLRSH.
FLRSH at Work w/music proven to help you work with greater clarity and focus, day or night.
Megan Hyatt-Miller is COO of the Michael Hyatt Company. If you have not followed the company, their more recent success has been with the creation of the Full-Focus Planner. Megan talks about balancing life as a businesswoman and how to remain focused amidst the multiple demands of our lives.
Current conversations on issues we all face in the marketplace, to help you FLRSH at work!
Articles and posts from our friends in the field, to help FLRSH in the marketplace.
A New Marketplace for the Common Good
Faith Entrepreneur
3 Important Lessons On Sustainable Well-being in Leadership
from Thrive Global
Achieve More Than You Thought Possible in 2021
from Michael Hyatt
The Transformative Role of Enterprise
Faith Entrepreneur
A Simple 2 x 2 (Grid) for Choices
from Seth Godin