Have you ever had someone NOT love you fiercely? I think most of us have at some time. Like they could take us or leave us? If you gauged their love on a scale, it would gauge as "MEH". Surely you know what I am talking about.
But that's not YOU, right? If you're a Mom for example, you know the fierce love I am talking about.
If someone messes with your kid, in your heart (if not in reality), you will have kicked their tail down the street like a soda can. Or torn them limb from limb. Just to teach them a lesson.
If you're a wife, you're an appropriately jealous woman...the right kind of jealous...the God kind of jealous, you won't just let your love go. Because the love of your life - is YOURS. You will put up a fight...because your love is FIERCE.
In a similar fashion, God the Father carries a fierce love for us. The bible tells us He is a jealous God. A Father, that while tender toward you, will also go to war for you, to protect you - to win and keep your affection.
Look at what Paul says in Romans about the love of God: "I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Did you read that?!?! Angels or demons. The powers of hell. No power in the sky or below, can separate you from the love of God.
THAT my friends - is FIERCE love. The kind of love poems are written about.
If this feels a little foreign to you, perhaps you need to ask the Father for a fresh revelation of His love for you today. Do you FEEL that fierce love? If not, perhaps you need to pause - slow down - and meditate on this passage awhile. Let it sink in. Because not only do you need to KNOW this love my friend...as a child of God, you must MIRROR this love in your life to others. It is how people will know and experience the love of God...through you.
Fierce love is hard to come by these days. We live in the days of MEH. People are desensitized by their scrolling feeds. They are checking out on their spouses - their kids. Letting their love grow cold. They are losing their handle on the kind of love that won't let powers in the sky or earth below stand between them and those they care most deeply for.
But this isn't what SHE does. This isn't what YOU will do. Because you are loved fiercely. And you will love fiercely. Because SHE is YOU.
PS - Feel free to leave a comment in our comment section. I look forward to connecting with you!